Windows 11 24H2: Sysprep has failed to run

Using ENGL Imaging Toolkit 12.0.7, working on a new base image for Windows 11 24H2 I ran into a sysprep issue as shown below. I double checked the Windows support matrix and the Windows ADK support matrix for Windows 10 and 11 for using the correct ingredients. I was...

Windows 11 24H2

Windows 11, version 24H2 known issues and notifications contains an extensive list of known issues and the status of the Windows 11, version 24H2 rollout. Know issues include issues with certain Asus hardware, Safe Exam Browser, Fingerprint sensors and camera...

Adding Bitlocker to the ENGL build process

If you want to enable Bitlocker during the ENGL build process this is the TID to digest first: “TID-2018001: Enabling BitLocker during the Build Process [ZENworks]” when using ZENworks or “TID-2018003: Enabling BitLocker during the Build Process...